Also included is The Red Tea Detox Motivation booklet, which will keep you going no matter what!
This part is essential to The Red Tea Detox Program because it dispels the common myths about willpower.
Tell yourself that you are only trying this detox program for one week and you can go back to your old habits as soon as the trial period is over. In as little as 7 days, your brain will form new neural pathways and make the detox even easier!
You can rest easy because I'll be with you each and every step of the way, guiding and motivating you to make sure you lose several pounds in 14 days so you get a healthy body that feels full of energy, the body you deserve!
My private clients pay as much as $499 for this information, and they think it's a bargain! But I'm not going to ask you to pay that much for this amazing product.
In fact, it was my goal from the beginning to spread the knowledge of this incredible tea across the world to as many people as possible, so I'm not even going to charge you half of that.
It's time for you to drink this delicious red teaand use its five unique ingredients to stop hunger and end cravings for sugary foods so you can avoid problems with chronic illness and get the body you've always wanted.
You'll feel the energy I felt after drinking this tasty red tea and shrink your fat cells so you can cleanse away as much fat as you want, anytime you want.
Now I want you to know I'm giving this to you at the lowest price possible without losing me money.
I'm here to help people like you and me live happy lives in healthy, energetic, and attractive bodies, just like the healthy and slender people in that remote Kenyan village.
You deserve to have a healthy body and do all the things you ever wanted to do.
You deserve to be wearing the clothes you love and getting those nice compliments about your slender figure, too.
You won't pay $499 or anywhere near that, because I am going to offer you, for a very limited time and only through this article, a special discount of 95%!
That's right, you'll get a huge 95% discount so that this product can be used and shared with as many people as possible.
Because you've listened to my story, I know you're different from most people.
You need this red tea recipe and you want to lose the fat just like I did.
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